Message from Kiwi Girl
To everyone in Powerhouse,
Thankyou so much for the cool thing you all made me, with all the lil notes. It was so cool to recieve in the mail. I have been complaining about the mail lately cos there has been nothing interesting for anyone, but finally something really cool and its from Malaysia.
I miss you all too and am still praying for you and I'll definitely try to keep in touch with you!
Lots of Love and hugs,
Jomo the satu satu satu oompa Joanne Leahy (Kiwi girl) from New Zealand
Yay Kiwi Girl!!!!
lol im made a mistake. im not oompa, christine is oompa! jo
so do i change it?
no, cos thats how i wrote the letter. jo
ooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! jomo!!!! hi jomo!!!! i miss u so much!!!! :p
oh no..
i changed it in our bulletin!!
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